The First Post!!

Hello there! I’m Marianne and I love teaching. I love learning about teaching. I love talking about teaching, and schools, and teachers, and learning. I’m in my 13th year of teaching and am still learning more and more each day.

the hubs and I

For the past 13 years, I have taught in high school religion, including World Religions, Scripture, Morality, Church History, and Social Justice. I also help with student life leading activities such as retreats and community service. I love the combination of working with students both in and out of the classroom. Before I had kids of my own, I coached volleyball for many years! It really brought out my competitive spirit, which is not all that hard to do.

As much as I love teaching, I really do love being a student. Over the years I have earned a Bachelors in Theology, a Masters in Secondary Education, and a Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership. Although I am done with formal degrees for the foreseeable future, I still love learning. This past summer I took an online class focused on organizing your digital life and LOVED it! Bringing together the worlds of organization, productivity, and technology was my jam!

In this blog, I intend to share thoughts and ideas about teaching, learning, technology, productivity, and other topics that seem valuable to have in the blogosphere. I am passionate about instruction, collaboration, reflective teaching, leadership, and focusing on engagement. I also love reading research on teaching and seeing the practical implications of that research in classrooms and schools.

In a world of so many blogs, I appreciate you stopping by and spending some time here! Feel free to leave me a comment or question. I’d love to hear from you!